- horseback riding
- dolphin-back riding
- camping
- bird watching
- croquet
- yachting
- fishing
- grilling
- yawning
- Jai-alai
- making a pie
- eating a pie
- casually reading
- whistling
- escaping to a remote island to find yourself
- swimming
- swan diving
- reminiscing
- composing your one hit wonder
- collecting firewood
- blogging about casual summer activities
- reading the Class Connoisseurs Guide to the Finer Things
- rereading the Class Connoisseurs Guide to the Finer Things
- basically every sport
- conquering mountains
- conquering metaphorical mountains
- driving across the country, windows down
- singing along to Beethoven
- sailing
- carving things from wood
- painting
- laughing
- speculating on the apocalypse
- finding matches for all your socks
- smoking a cigar
- gardening
- avoiding facebook
- photographing
- smelling roses
- starting and finishing a game of Risk
- charming heads of state and other important figures with your suaveness
- making a tree house
- tubing
- star gazing
- courting women
- flexing
- golfing
- digging up time capsules
- metal detecting
- partaking in a game of horse shoe or washers
- traveling
- honoring your wild
- watching Spongebob Squarepants reruns
- attending concerts and other live performances
- sporting fine, seasonal clothing
- seersucker and madras products, visors, flip flops, and the likes
- playing catch
- wearing a sweet pair of shades
- shootin' things
summer reading- attending family reunions
- relaxing
- laxing
- sporting one's boat shoes, on a boat
- etcetera etcetera.....
Feel free to print this out to guide you along your summer journeys.
Stay Classy,
William & Walter
Quadruple U