The art of
dropping a cap is one of great importance in literature. The cap has a great, albeit modest, nature that comfortably dwells within the world of finer things. Now, what exactly is dropping a cap? Don't fret, oh dear apprentices of class, we shall alleviate your daunting curiosity. Our more experienced readers may prefer the phrase "
embedding an elevated character upon ones prose". Often misunderstood, the purpose of this wonderful literary mechanism is to set a tone that says "this literary work, which has lain dormant awaiting a single, paramount moment that will fulfill its purpose of enlightening its reader, should contain class". Even if the content that follows the capital letter is stupid or disappointing, one should still be able to (on a more philosophical level) appreciate the tangible beauty of hand written characters and the intricacies of language. On another note, you may read this and believe that if you capitalize all your letters, you will be of supreme class. But alas, you are gravely mistaken. As with all things class, the
cap must be used with temperance and moderation.
Even one Spongebob Squarepants appreciates the
literary value of dropping a cap |
cap not only encompasses the literal capitalization of the first letter in a literary work, but also takes on the adjective meaning of the word
capital -meaning "excellent, chief, or important". Let that be a small vocabulary lesson that we suggest you apply to your daily life.
Capitalization of the first linguistic character in a literary work, ordinary sentence, or a solitary word, is truly of finer nature.
On that note,
William and Walter
Quadruple U